Register new domain

Find your new domain by using the search field. You can enter just one word without the domain type to get more results. You can also transfer your domain to us to renew it through us. Start the transfer of your domain by clicking on Transfer domain to us.

.dk100,00 DKK0,00 DKK100,00 DKK
.com107,00 DKK107,00 DKK107,00 DKK
.net132,00 DKK132,00 DKK132,00 DKK
.eu82,00 DKK82,00 DKK82,00 DKK
.org135,00 DKK135,00 DKK135,00 DKK
.se242,00 DKK242,00 DKK242,00 DKK
.nu242,00 DKK0,00 DKK242,00 DKK
.info175,00 DKK0,00 DKK175,00 DKK
.de72,00 DKK7,00 DKK72,00 DKK
.co.uk87,00 DKK0,00 DKK87,00 DKK

We offer over 800 different domain types that you can register, transfer, and renew with us. You can view the entire selection and the prices of the domains here.